2020 WisHHRA Annual Conference - Registration Now Open!
Attentions Exhibitors! Join WisHHRA at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, WI for an opportunity to reach healthcare human resources professionals from across the state! We are please to offer this exciting sponsorship and networking opportunity as a way to showcase your products and services.
Click here to view or download the full exhibitor prospectus!
Exhibit Set Up/Take Down
Exhibits can be set up on Wednesday, April 22 from 3pm – 5pm or Thursday, April 23 from 6am - 7am. Exhibits will be on display throughout the conference. Displays may be taken down following the final break Thursday, April 23rd at 3:15pm.
Location/Shipping Materials
If you have packages that need to be shipped to the meeting location, you may do so directly to the Osthoff Resort at this address:
The Osthoff Resort
WisHHRA Annual Conference/Jason Schnicke
101 Osthoff Ave, Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
The phone number for The Osthoff Resort is 888-385-4562. Shipments should be clearly marked. Please indicate that your packages are for the WisHHRA Annual Conference and provide your organization’s name. Shipments will not be accepted earlier than THREE working days prior to your arrival date. Handling fees may apply and are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Lodging Options:
- 2 Bedroom Courtyard Suite: $174
- 2 Bedroom Woodland Suite: $144
- Run of House Guest Rooms and One Bedroom Suites: $134
We are now accepting hotel reservations for our upcoming event. A room block has been set within the Osthoff Resort at the rates above. Rooms are available for both 4/22 and 4/23. To make your reservation, please call 800-876-3399, press promt #1 and mention you are with the WI Healthcare Human Resources Association to receive the group rate.
You may also book online! Visit www.osthoff.com and click on the meetings tab at the top of the screen. Click “To make your individual Group reservations” then click on the Group Login button in the upper righthand corner. Login in with the Username GWISOCHE and password HEALTH. We look forward to seeing you!
Deadline to book your room at the group rate: Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
Registration/Cancellation Deadlines
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
If registering after the identified registration deadline, a $50 late fee will apply.
All cancellations must be received in writing by the identified date. A $50 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund. No refunds will be made for cancellations postmarked or faxed after the identified cancellation deadline. Refunds will not be given for no-shows.
If you have questions regarding exhibiting or the conference, please email wishhra@badgerbay.co.
Request Letters
Request letters and W9 forms are available by contacting the WisHHRA office at 920-750-7729 or email wishhra@badgerbay.co