WisHHRA 2020 Annual Conference | The Oshoff Resort, Elkhart Lake, WI | April 22-24, 2020
Keynote Speakers
Ron Galloway
The Disruptors: How Amazon, Apple, CVS & Other Tech Companies Will Change Healthcare
Ron is a researcher, the director of 4 films, and the author of 2 books and many institutional reports. He researches business topics related to disruptive technologies, and their impact on the future. His documentary “Why Wal-Mart Works” was the first film to ever hold its premiere in the US Capitol Building. His film “Age Invaders” will be released in 2018. He produces the series “Potentially Disruptive,” which premieres on Amazon Prime in early 2018.
Ron was a finance researcher for 20 years. His work has been written about in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and New Yorker magazine. He has appeared on CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and Jon Stewart's Daily Show.

Tyler Enslin
Mastering Your Memory
As a full time speaker, Tyler has had the privilege to present at over 800 live events in the last six years. He is passionate about helping his audiences by sharing information in a way that is engaging, lively, and most of all, practical. This has enabled him to work with Fortune 500 companies and large organizations, such as Johnson & Johnson, GSK, John Hopkins, Siemens, Sinclair Broadcasting and hundreds of smaller groups. He is excited to share his message with you.
Lodging Information
Lodging Options:
2 Bedroom Courtyard Suite: $174
2 Bedroom Woodland Suite: $144
Run of House Guest Rooms and One Bedroom Suites: $134
We are now accepting hotel reservations for our upcoming event. A room block has been set within the Osthoff Resort at the rates above. Rooms are available for both 4/22 and 4/23. To make your reservation, please call 800-876-3399, press promt #1 and mention you are with the WI Healthcare Human Resources Association to receive the group rate.
You may also book online! Visit www.osthoff.com and click on the meetings tab at the top of the screen. Click “To make your individual Group reservations” then click on the Group Login button in the upper righthand corner. Login in with the Username GWISOCHE and password HEALTH. We look forward to seeing you!
Deadline to book your room at the group rate: Wednesday, April 1, 2020.